The epos now till system is Clean and simple with a multiple integrations.

Best for simplicity of ease of use

The Simplistic Approach

Epos now was one of the first till systems we used in the modern age of POS. It’s simplistic, ascetically pleasing and easy to use. Suited for a range of businesses. We’ve studied and picked the epos now till system to show you its capabilities.

Great for Retail
Can be used on your own pc/tablet
Various integrations
Easy to use


Epos now has slotted their way in as one of the market leaders in EPOS technology. In fact it was one of the first epos systems i (Dan) had experience with. This being in a bike shop and being used in a high paced environment and given multiple tasks. Its simplistic approach gives it a clean look and is user friendly for a range of tasks.

Epos Now till system Review

The Back End

A broad spectrum of stats and reporting features with an extensive range of customisation.

The front End

Clean buttons that can be arranged in a way that suits you with a simple flow to check out.

Epos Now Integrations


A Huge range of integrations to suit everyones needs. Get in touch with us to see if theres anything specific you require.

A Sleek and Modern Epos System

Discover groundbreaking features designed to tackle tomorrow\’s challenges head-on. Explore innovative solutions shaping the future landscape.

Easy to use

Simple to add products and set pricing, pictures, categories and more

A Clean Look

Epos now features a modern design which is clean on the eye and easy to navigate


Multiple reporting features which gives you the stats you need on a daily bases


Set out your epos the way you want and customise your till system to suit you.


Our Epos Now Experience

With all our reviews we aim to give an honest opinion on what we think and the industry each epos now till system is best for. After trying out a number of systems we find epos now great for a range of businesses especially the retail sector due to its clean look and ease of use.

The Back end

Featuring an extensive back office with a range of features to suit various customisation and reporting needs. The impressive reporting features are easy to use and offer you an overview of stats from the day or any custom time period, along with transaction quantities and totals you can view these on a graph or list form.

The Front end

The Front end is clean and simple with various options to create a till flow that works for you. The route to checkout is nice and easy with limited click throughs which we think is very important.

Epos now till Costs and options

Prices start from £25 for software only options with add on costs for integrations and extras. It’s usually worth getting in touch with them regarding the latest deals on hardware. Currently through ourselves (here) you can get 20% off all epos now products, licences and apps.

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